Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Ive been tagged by safiyya. So here goes. My list of 5.

I am a techno freak. I love all types of gadgets, machinery, and anything that’s shiny and new. And hell if its wireless, where do I sign for it! (mechanics and electronics rock!)

I don’t scream or rant in an argument. I believe that when you start screaming, you have run out of constructive arguments and somehow believe by saying the same thing in a louder voice is getting you somewhere. And if I run out of arguments, I stop talking and just listen.

I have a morbid fascination with helicopters. Am currently trying to find a decent radio controlled one , and insha allah going to start flying lessons soon.

I don’t believe in love as everybody knows it. I believe it takes a very long time to love someone. Like years. True love is only shown when all the lust , hype , and newness of the relationship are over. True love is a very deep understanding between two individuals. Knowing each other so well that you can tell your partners mood, needs and feelings without saying a word. True love is rare , yet people fling the word love around loosely.

I am a planner. Everything I do is planned with at least two contingency plans. I do not make rash decisions. I contemplate the outcome of each choice before choosing. It can be annoying at times. But that’s me.


safiyyamk said...

i can scream in an arugement... i plan everything and always on time unless something comes up.... so u technologically inclined hey- unfortuantely there arent many dental tools that wireless ;)

hitman jones said...

saf : yeah the thing that facinates me with technology is figuring out how the thing works. im an absolute sucker for science. i love it.

taz said...

love??? what is that?

as for the remote control helicopters they so damn hard to fly! we got 2. both had a good few crash landings before we gave up on piloting!

Anonymous said...

i love planning things.
but nothing goes according to plan!

hitman jones said...

taz..hey if you looking to get rid of the copters, lemme know. im really interested.

fatima..thats why you always have contingency plans ;)

r said...

question: why is the fascination with hepipas (my 2 year old cousin's name for it!) morbid?

hitman jones said...

r..its morbid because when ever you see a heli on tv, generally the peeps getting off bend down as a natural reaction to avoid getting their heads caught in the blades. so this has always given me visions of a brutal decapitation with a slashing blood spray. so now every time i see a copter, 1st instinct is to check the height clearance of the blades, which brings me back to the thougt of the decapitation.